"Get ready, you are about to enter a fantasy world."
迪士尼專車上的小傢伙們 Cartoon characters on the train
2008是米奇老鼠年(鼠年)當然有些特別的。香港迪士尼邀請設計師Vivien Tham設計新年衣,在正門口走起秀來了。原本滿心期待看遊行的我被迫看了這場15分鐘的秀。
In Chinese, 2008 is the Mickey Mouse Year (Year of the Rat). Of course, there would be something special here. Hong Kong Disneyland invited famous designer Vivien Tham to design Disney New Year clothes. There is a fashion show at the main entrance on the day I visit. We were expecting the road show but end up with a15-minute show so-so fashion show.
接著,有香港藝人側田及林海峰為他們所設計的米奇老鼠新年造型揭幕。鼠年,香港迪士尼邀請十組當紅藝人來為他們設計新年造型,有些還頗特別。晚上還有演唱會;但這都不是我來迪士尼樂園的重點,所以當然略過不看啦。Then, the Hong Kong artist Justin and Jan Lamb was there to attend the opening of their designed a Mickey Mouse New Year statue. There are all together 10 famous artist designed for Disneyland, quite special. At night, there’s a concert, too. But not our main point here, of course we skip all of these.

Some of the design, from left: A-Sa from Twins, Jacky Cheung & Daughter, Fahrenheit
The most attractive thing for me in Disneyland is the fantastic show.
The Lion King show is really gorgeous. Fantastic song and dance performances and all the models are stunning.
相較之下,「米奇金獎音樂劇」就還好。不過看到了很多迪士尼卡通人物,以前的回憶都湧上來了。美女與野獸、 美人魚、Lilo & Stitch、花木蘭…結束前穿很短的泰山突然跳到我面前,嚇我一大跳。
In contrast, "The Golden Mickey" musical is so-so. But, you can see a lot of Disney cartoon characters, lots of memories in my mind. Beauty & The Beast, Mermaid, Lilo & Stitch, Mulan... In the end, the Tarzan suddenly jump out in front of me, scared me.
In contrast, "The Golden Mickey" musical is so-so. But, you can see a lot of Disney cartoon characters, lots of memories in my mind. Beauty & The Beast, Mermaid, Lilo & Stitch, Mulan... In the end, the Tarzan suddenly jump out in front of me, scared me.
除此之外,米奇老鼠的4D短劇也很好看。故事情結幽默,還可以滿足視覺、聽覺、觸覺,還能感覺事物都在你身邊發生,超有趣的。Besides, the Mickey Mouse 4D skit is also fun. A humor story and you can feel everything happening around you, super fun.
Ready for the SHOW TIME !!
In Disney, whether you are male or female, young or old, you will fall in love in this fairy tales world. There is no contention, no pressure; only joy and laughter. We are “old” children, enjoying games in Disneyland, seems childish; but happy.
In Disney, whether you are male or female, young or old, you will fall in love in this fairy tales world. There is no contention, no pressure; only joy and laughter. We are “old” children, enjoying games in Disneyland, seems childish; but happy.
My favorite: Merry-Go-Round.
My favorite: Merry-Go-Round.
The fireworks show every night is the most attractive show. I never found there are so many people in the playground until everyone gather in the central waiting for the fireworks show. Sparkling, stunning fireworks above the sky of Disney castle; can you imagine how lovely it is? So wish to see once again…
煙火燃放完畢,人漸漸散了。原本熱鬧的樂園,此時又別有一番滋味,雖然少了笑聲,卻多了一份寧靜,這份寧靜跟在城市裡的夜深人靜不一樣。多希望可以在這裡多坐一會兒。When the firework show ends, people start leaving. A happy and crowded playground is now empty, no more laughter; but peace. It is totally different from the midnight silent in the city. I wish to stay longer.
Leaving on the train, and there’s broadcast bringing me back to reality:
"Now, we are going back to the modern Hong Kong."
*You can buy the tickets through the Internet or travel agent; but weekdays there won’t be a long Q. Adult HK $ 350, children HK $ 250, for the elderly HK $ 170. Hong Kong Disneyland is the world's smallest Disney, currently expanding three theme parks, and is expected to be completed in 2014.
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