剛去Couch Surfing申請了一個帳號,原本前幾年就要申請;但因為住所不方便就作罷。現在也是寄人籬下,所以唯有暫時放surfing嘍~
I just registered an account on Couch Surfing. I was thinking to apply few years ago; but there's no couch available. It's still inconvenient for me now, so my status is still "surfing".
There's a function which you can key in the place you stay, places you've been to,places you want to visit and places you are going to. Although i'd been to more countries comparing to my friends, but it looks empty on my travel map.
世界這麼大,還有很多很多地方正等著我呢~ 加油!
The world is too big, still a lots of countries waiting for me. Go Go Go!
*Couch Surfing 提供旅行愛好者一個交流平台,讓大家在此分享旅行經驗及各自國家的風土民情。旅行中你能拜訪你的CS友人,有些會帶你四處遊蕩;有些還會提供你他家的"沙發",讓你剩下住飯店的錢。
Couch Surfing is a platform for all travl lover, here we share our travel experiences and our own coutries' culture, history or etc. On your trip, you can visit your CS friends, some of them bring you around; some even provide you couch, so you save some accommodation fees.
1 則留言:
得閑多來看下,我會盡快Update。tHaNks~ ^ ^